QRoo has the lowest numbers in social housing construction: Canadevi


Canadevi has documented the existence of 1,500 state and municipal procedures for different economic activities, while in Yucatán there are only 500.

Cancún, QRoo.- Quintana Roo occupies first place nationally in indirect costs (permits and licenses) for housing construction, according to monitoring carried out by the state delegation of the National Chamber of the Housing Development and Promotion Industry ( Canadevi).

According to the report, the cost of procedures, payments for municipal licenses and state rights reaches up to 17.04% during 2023 in the case of homes with a cost of up to 650,000 pesos.

The second place is occupied by the state of Hidalgo with 13.99%; followed by Puebla with 12.14%; Baja California Sur with 11.79%; Morelos 11.57% and Tlaxcala with 10.78%.

Leonardo Garrido, president of Canadevi in Quintana Roo, explained that this is because there are many procedures, including duplicates, that are charged at the municipal and state level.

In general terms, he assured, the existence of 1,500 state and municipal procedures for different economic activities in Quintana Roo has been documented, against 500 that exist in the neighboring state of Yucatán.

Crash in housing production

In the case of the construction sector, this has led to a dramatic decrease in the supply of social interest houses below 700,000 pesos, which translates into a shortage of supply for more than 90% of the Institute’s beneficiaries from the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit).

This is recognized by Infonavit’s own state credit manager, Víctor Ducoing, who in a press conference last week, assured that there are 120,000 collaborators in Quintana Roo who already have enough points to process a housing loan, but for this year, Infonavit will only be able to grant around 13,000 loans throughout the state.

Multiple causes

The leader of Canadevi explained that the high costs of procedures, combined with the increase in construction materials and the lack of labor in the last two years, has led to the loss of profitability in the construction of social housing below 700,000 pesos, and a rebound in housing construction above 1.2 million pesos, mainly focused on Airbnb-type vacation rentals.

A consultation with the Single Housing Registry (RUV), which contains information on the construction sector in our country, shows that in 2019, before the pandemic, Quintana Roo closed the year with a production of 12,613 homes; for 2020 it decreased to 9,526; In 2021 it remained at 9,577 and by 2022 it decreased to 8,473.

Cutting to October 2023, that is, two months before the end of the year, the RUV records the production of only 5,622 houses, which could mean the year with the greatest drop in construction of new units, far from years like 2015, when 18,976 new homes were built throughout the state.

Search for solutions

Given this panorama and through agreements with the municipalities of Quintana Roo, Canadevi in Quintana Roo seeks to put social housing for sale that does not exceed 700,000 pesos.

The state leader of Canadevi explained that they have already reached a first agreement in the municipality of Othón P. Blanco, where the city council agreed to not charge municipal fees and procedures that will allow the final cost of housing to be reduced by up to 60,000 pesos.

Source: El Economista