DEVASTATE WITHOUT MERCY: Puerto Morelos, 20 hectares of mangrove swamps destroyed; no authority intervenes


By Leslie Gordillo

PUERTO MORELOS.- For three years the DMAS association (Right to a Healthy Environment) and the Puerto Morelos Sustentable collective, among other organizations, have denounced the destruction of 3.5 hectares of mangrove swamps, today there are already around 20 hectares affected and not even The municipal authority, neither the Profepa, nor the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) have attended to the complaints presented.

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In an interview for Noticaribe Peninsular, Aurora Beltrán, member of Puerto Morelos Sustentable, explained that in the midst of a health contingency, even at the beginning of Phase 3, the filling of the area continued, it was until they filed and Amparo, that they were suspended and the municipality was summoned to close the work.

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“It is incredible how for three years we have evidence of how this landfill has grown and it is around 20 hectares … It is incredible how the authorities do not act despite the fact that citizens carry out our work, we make complaints, we make protests, there is inaction total of the authorities, mainly of the municipal government ”, lamented.

In a first complaint, he explained, the municipality did close the work, they issued a summons, but the work never stopped and nothing was done to stop them, even personnel from the Arrecife National Park of Puerto Morelos also filed several complaints with the Prosecutor’s Office and with the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa), but there was no response.

He even commented that they have tried to stop the dump trucks that are going to fill the area, but they have already received direct threats from the guards, and the threat of violence has been escalating and it was then they decided to enter a lawsuit against the three authorities involved: the Prosecutor’s Office, Profepa and the city council, in which the definitive suspension of the work was also requested because it was in contingency.

“In the first lawsuit they dismiss us or they do not admit us due to the direct complaints of the landfill, we put in a second one signed by minors and at the beginning they reject it, we filed complaints and in case of protection by minors, and they grant us this provisional suspension. We have a hearing on June 17 and we are gathering evidence, we hope it will be resolved. We strongly believe that already in this hearing we are going to have the opportunity to be given the definitive suspension ”, he pointed out.

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Through the social networks of Puerto Morelos Sustentable, they emphasized the non-conformity of the people of Puerto Morelos towards the municipal administration, “complicit in acts of corruption and abuses of power by promoting disorderly development that economically benefits megaprojects, without considering the urgent needs for their inhabitants like a hospital and schools. There are more and more complaints about fires that favor developers, due to inaction against displaced fauna, changes in land use to increase hotel density without having infrastructure, thus unbalancing the ecosystem by promoting mass tourism ”

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