Playa del Carmen: Illegal Construction Endangers Turtles at Paraíso Beach


The project in question is Playa 35, a building projected to be 22 meters tall with 42 apartments.

An unauthorized construction at Paraíso Beach, in the north of Playa del Carmen, will be inspected by the Playa del Carmen City Hall, as the permits were irregularly granted by a former public servant.

Jacqueline Alcocer, the eighth councilor of Solidaridad, announced that they are already working on the inspection after it was reported that a developer began work, endangering the local wildlife.

“This permit was granted at the time by the former secretary Rocío Beltrán, who is no longer part of this administration. Now, with the current director of Urban Development, we are working; I have already requested information from the Environment department, and the secretary Lourdes Várguez has already provided me with information,” she said.

The project, Playa 35, is a building 22 meters tall, designed for 42 apartments in a marine turtle nesting area.

The development does not have the environmental impact authorization that should have been granted by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat).

Residents of the subdivision accused that these works had already been shut down locally, but after paying a fine, they were reactivated.

Brenda de Arrigunaga, president of the Playa Paraíso neighborhood association, assured that there are a series of irregularities that have not helped to stop the project at the local, state, and federal levels.

Playa Paraíso is a subdivision located at the northern tip of Playa del Carmen, where the public access to the most remote beach from the center of the Solidaridad municipal head is found.

“These illegal works are being stopped because at the time many operating licenses were given without reason, without rationale, without protecting that important part of the turtles. I am part of the Marine Turtle Protection Committee, I grew up here, and I want my children to see the turtles (…) those works are going to be suspended,” the councilor of the municipality of Solidaridad anticipated.

Source: Sipse