Congress of Quintana Roo rejects decriminalization of abortion

Legislators refused to return the initiative to commissions for analysis

The ruling for the decriminalization of abortion in Quintana Roo was rejected by a majority in the plenary session of Congress on Tuesday night; legislators also refused to return the initiative to committees for analysis, dismissing it.

The agreement with the activists of the Quintanarroense Feminist Network determined that this March 2 there would be a resolution in commissions; however, the discussion had stalled on legal issues. After a recess due to lack of a quorum, the opinion was approved in the joint committees.

QRoo rechaza despenalizar aborto, pese a acuerdo con feministas

Hours later he was taken to the plenary session, where the legislators wielded their positions in favor and against to finally express their votes: 13 were against and seven in favor. Five deputies, of the 25 that make up the Legislature, did not attend.

After the vote and as they had committed themselves to the agreement signed with the Legislative Power, the activists who were holding Congress evicted it.

Congreso de Quintana Roo rechaza despenalizar el aborto

“We are vacating the official compound because women keep our word, we go with our heads held high. The five years of omission ended today,” said one of the activists in a live broadcast on the Facebook page of Green Tide.

The initiative proposed reforms to the state Constitution, the Penal Code, and the Health Law so that abortion is not considered a crime. The modifications would affect article 93, which states that “from six months to two years in prison or 140 to 515 days of work will be imposed in favor of the community for the woman who voluntarily performs an abortion or consents to someone else doing it. abort”.

Rechaza Congreso de Quintana Roo despenalizar aborto

Once the decriminalization ruling was rejected, in Quintana Roo the four cases of non-punishable already integrated into the Penal Code that allows abortion, such as rape, that the life of the mother is at risk, that the product presents physical or mental damage are maintained or, by an incident that generates the spontaneous abortion.


The Cancun Post