All tourism providers in Quintana Roo must register on The RETUR-Q platform


The Secretary of Tourism of Quintana Roo presented the RETUR-Q, a platform to register all tourism companies.

This registration will be mandatory, free, annual, and online. In the presentation, the Secretary of Tourism of the state, Bernardo Cueto, assured that Quintana Roo is a state that, through its Tourism Law, seeks to establish balances in the growth of the sector so that both service providers Tourists like tourists, enter into a scheme of faculties, rights and duties, which allow establishing a harmonious relationship within the tourism industry of this entity.

Retur Q: Caribe mexicano presentó nueva plataforma turística

In this sense, through the bases implemented with the recent reforms of the Tourism Law of the State of Quintana Roo and its Regulations, this afternoon Bernardo Cueto Riestra, Secretary of Tourism in the company of Andrés Aguilar Becerril, Undersecretary of Promotion and Operation Tourism and Ana Mac Gregor, director of Special Programs, presented the new State Platform for Tourism Services, a provision that will be promoted through the State Registry of Tourism (RETUR-Q), an instrument for improving the management of tourism activity, an organization for a growing offer and through which travelers will be provided with security and confidence.

The official public catalog of tourism service providers is a tool through which the Secretary of Tourism will concentrate information on the different products and services in the Mexican Caribbean that operates on a regular basis, with the intention of favoring the productivity and competitiveness of companies.

Among the benefits of Retur Q, the improvement of the image and positioning of the services, the promotion of these through institutional platforms, catalogs, and official guides stand out; the projection of certainty and security to consumers, access to programs to strengthen the tourist offer and location in the Sedetur GeoPortal, the above in order to continue with the development and organization of tourism in the Mexican Caribbean.

“Tourism has an extraordinary capacity to generate opportunities for development and social welfare, which is why from the Ministry of Tourism we have focused on maintaining and promoting tourism leadership in which the competitiveness of our tourist destinations is one of the main focuses. Today we are taking firm steps towards this model transition, presenting ‘RETUR-Q’, which will become the official public catalog of tourism service providers in the Mexican Caribbean; providing greater certainty, confidence and security to tourists and visitors” , commented Bernardo Cueto  Riestra, Secretary of Tourism of Quintana Roo.

The Cancun Post