Young woman from Bacalar sells desserts to pay for his trip to NASA 


Nina Alejandra Poot Esteban, a young woman from Bacalar, was selected to participate in NASA’s international space program in the United States, but she will have to raise about 4,000 dollars to attend, so she decided to start selling desserts to pay for her trip. 

On June 29, Poot Esteban became the first woman from Bacalar to be accepted into NASA’s International Air and Space Program 2023, which will take place in Alabama, United States, due to her good school performance. 

As established, the young woman must cover the total cost of the program, which is 3,950 dollars, which is equivalent to approximately $70,000 Mexican pesos; otherwise, she will not be able to attend. 

Since she does not have the possibility to pay it in full, she requested help from the Bacalarense society. Last Tuesday she was in the Bacalar park selling cakes and candies, with which she intends to get 70,000 pesos to cover the fee and travel. 

The young woman pointed out that on Saturday she will carry out the “kilometer de la Moneda” in the Central Park of the town, at 8:00 pm, in order to gather the necessary resources. “Each peso brings me closer,” the young woman assured enthusiastically. 

The young woman has also approached the authorities to get financial support, since it is an opportunity that will not be repeated for a long time and that will make her the first Bacalarense woman to participate in that program. 

Source: Por Esto