This is the message for foreigners in Mexico City’s Roma neighborhood that unleashed a debate on social networks


A photo went viral on social networks and caused debate among users, some suggest that it is xenophobia while others defend the point and make it clear that they consider this situation a problem.

The image is of a poster that reads: “New in the city? Working remotely? You’re a fucking plague and locals fucking hate you. Leave“.

The sign directly attacks foreigners who reside in Mexico City.

TikToker Fer Bustos, alias @filosofiapop, exposed the photograph on TikTok, opening the debate between residents of CDMX neighborhoods such as Roma and Condesa. He explained that, as a result of the pandemic, many foreigners moved to these areas.


la gentrificación es real y los mexicanos cada vez deben irse a vivir más lejos y pagar precios más caros en cdmx

♬ original sound – soucitigrafix

The hashtag #mexicoissocheap has gone viral on social networks too because many allege that Mexico is very cheap for foreigners and that is why they move there.

Fountain in the Roma neighborhood, in Mexico City (Photo: Wikipedia/Keizers)
Fountain in the Roma neighborhood, in Mexico City

Locals complain about this situation, which causes a phenomenon called gentrification, which causes the rents of real estate to increase, as well as the prices of food, clothing, and other local businesses.

This situation causes the displacement of certain sectors to other areas because foreigners can easily pay a much higher rent, and thus Mexicans cannot pay the high prices generated by foreign tenants.

Some people pointed out that this problem also affects the language since being in Roma or Condesa means hearing English everywhere you go, and most businesses communicate in that language, which makes most foreigners believe that everyone speaks the language, and that is very annoying to thousands of Mexicans who do not speak English.

A few months ago, the influencer Sailorfag shared that he had to move out of the apartment where he lived because the owner sold it to a foreigner. Users on Twitter compared the situation with the gentrification that exists in some parts of CDMX .

Sailorfag is an influencer who shared his experience in a YouTube video (YouTube Screenshot: Sailorfag)
Sailorfag is an influencer who shared his experience in a YouTube video (YouTube Screenshot: Sailorfag)

Some people pointed out that this problem also affects the language, since being in Roma or Condesa means hearing English everywhere and most businesses communicate in that language, believing that everyone speaks it.

Fer Bustos commented that it is crazy to go to certain places in Roma or Condesa, and no longer find Mexicans, and due to a large number of foreigners in these areas of the city, English has become the official language in these “Colonias“.

Photo: Instagram

The TikToker added that many are complaining on Twitter about foreigners walking the streets of Mexico City barefoot. What, according to his words, has generated “satiety” among the Mexican population, and also a user said that they despise homeless people for that reason but not them.

Internet users allege that the situation is a clear example of xenophobia, that is, repudiation or feeling of rejection towards foreigners, while others defend that gentrification affects the country.


In networks, they have compared the case of Mexico with the migrants who move to the neighboring country, although others affirm that they are totally different things, because the migrants from the United States do not displace the locals, nor are they above them.

The phenomenon that occurs in the country does affect Mexicans, since they are the ones who pay the disadvantages compared to foreigners. Fer added that the sign is not the correct way to do it, however, the problem must be addressed and addressed.

In February 2022, a tweet unleashed the urgency of curbing gentrification in Mexico City, when a foreigner named Becca Sherman published: “Do yourself a favor and work remotely in Mexico City.”Users debate the issue of gentrification and xenophobia on social networks (screenshot: Twitter)Users debate the issue of gentrification and xenophobia on social networks (screenshot: Twitter)

This comment caused users to begin to consider the problem in the capital. There were those who denounced the woman’s comment and said: “Please don’t. This City is getting more and more expensive every day, in part because of people like you and you don’t even realize or care about it.”

In response to criticism, the foreigner apologized and agreed with those who complained about her comment. “Wow, Twitter is wild, huh? I wanted to add to this, as I sympathize 100% with the negative reactions: I have felt the same way about gentrification in the places I have lived. I hope this opens the doors for productive conversations about: responsible travel both inside and outside of this app,” Becca tweeted.

It is not the first time that gentrification is on everyone’s lips. The problem is considerably affecting many Mexicans who have had to leave their homes or have been economically affected by the situation.

“Cities tend to increasingly satisfy the needs of consumers with high purchasing power, to the detriment of citizens with fewer resources and purchasing power” , mentioned researchers from the National University of Tucáman, Luciana Boldrini and Matilde Malizia.

Source: INFOBAE,

The Mexico City Post