Nightclubs do not give in: tourists suffer from noise in Playa del Carmen


The small lodging centers continue to denounce the situation, without paying any attention to them.

The noise problem that mainly affects hotels in the tourist area at night continues. Those affected are mainly tourists who spend the night in Playa del Carmen.

Osner Arjona, president of the Association of Small Hotels of Playa del Carmen, announced that even though they have denounced the situation, the loud noise continues coming from nightclubs late at night.

“It is an issue that affects us enormously and when I say that it affects us, I am not only saying about the hotel industry because we are micro-small companies and in this sense, I put it in these terms, when there is a guest who does not sleep pleasantly they are in a different mood, they complain and in high tones”, mentioned Arjona.

Restaurants and bars do not abide by the provision

The Official Mexican Standard imposes a maximum of 60 decibels that businesses must emit; However, on Fifth Avenue there are restaurants, but mainly bars, that do not abide by this provision and that is where the discomfort of the hoteliers comes from.

“This creates social problems because on many occasions these small entertainment centers create a snowball and have connotations of social insecurity,” he said.

Faced with this situation, the interviewee added, they have approached the authorities, but there has been no solution so far.

“The authorities have received us, but there has been no solution, a good result has not been achieved for the small hotels in downtown Playa del Carmen,” he added.

In previous interviews with Lucelly Ramos Montejo, Director of the Environment, she mentioned that they seek to create a conciliatory environment with the various businesses; however, they have then had to proceed against those who fail to comply.

The small hotels are located mainly on Fifth Avenue, on the same street where the hundreds of bars and restaurants that offer live music are located for the thousands of tourists who also spend the night in Playa del Carmen every day. They hope that there will soon be a solution to this situation.

Source: Sipse