LGBT Tourism: Playa del Carmen will gather 10 thousand people in the pride march


Next Saturday the pride march will take place in Playa del Carmen, where they hope to gather more than 10,000 people as part of the celebrations of the LGBTTTIQ+ community, in the “Pride Month” and sexual diversity.

The LGBT+ march in Playa del Carmen will begin at the Avenida Constituyentes dock starting at 4 in the afternoon and will bring together the general public and human rights defenders, to raise awareness, accept and defend the rights of the community as well, stated Junny López García, head of the direction of Sexual Diversity in Solidarity.

The march will end at the Poliforum, where the drag artist Pavel Arámbula and other activities will be presented, as well as completely free HIV tests.

Silvio Hernández, representative of the Playa Pride Association and organizer of the march, pointed out that it will be familiar, peaceful and clean, with the participation of more than 20 local artists, as reported by Mega News.

As reported by, one of the leading destinations in Latin America for the LGBTQ+ community is Puerto Vallarta, where in May it celebrated the tenth edition of Vallarta Pride 2023, through cultural and sports activities, as well as information forums, promoting the equality, respect and recognition for the diverse national and international community.

Source: Reportur