Hotels in Guaymas and San Carlos hope to recover for Easter vacations during Semana Santa


SONORA, Like many productive sectors, the hoteliers of Guaymas and San Carlos remain worried about whether the behavior of the Covid-19 pandemic will allow a profitable tourist activity at Easter.

Luis Arturo Mungarro López, manager of a hotel in Miramar, commented that the union’s joint proposal is to operate at 50% occupancy during those days, but they are waiting to know the operating guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and the Committee of Municipal Health.

” As hotels, we are training staff, sanitizing rooms for greater safety of our visitors, ” he said.

Resultado de imagen de Guaymas

In this winter season, which is regularly low on the beaches, they have had an average of 15% hotel occupancy, despite the fact that the allowed capacity is 50%, and they see in Easter a possibility of economic recovery.


The Sonora Post