Extortionist arrested in Playa del Carmen


Agents of the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) executed an arrest warrant against a man accused of extortion and narcotraffic in Playa del Carmen.

In a press release, the Investigative Police assigned to the case executed the arrest warrant issued by a control judge against José “J” for the crime of extortion, to the detriment of a victim which identity is reserved, derived from administrative folder 371/2020.

The agency specified that according to the first investigations, the detainee claimed to belong to a criminal organization to demand cash in exchange for security (to not to cause damages).

Investigative Police executed the judicial order against José “J” in the municipality of Solidaridad; at the time of his arrest, he was informed of his rights as a detainee.

Source: palcoquintanarroense.com.mx

The Cancun Post