Environmentalists denounce parties on Cozumel’s Isla de la Pasion


Environmentalists denounce that the party takes place within a protected natural area.

Environmentalists from Cozumel are opposed to the fact that in the midst of the COVID pandemic, an electronic music party is taking place on Isla de la Pasión, a key north of the island.

Una isla para escapar

The event that would take place within a Protected Natural Area (ANP), is organized jointly by the company Isla Pasión Experience and Rokkatto Agency Presents.

The Island of the Passion is a key of Cozumel that is reached by the northern coastal highway, and it joins the highway that leads to the Laguna Ciega that separates the islet from the island. According to Conanp maps, the island belongs to the Flora and Fauna Protection Area.

This without taking into account that it is part of the RAMSAR and Man and the Biosphere (MAB) wetland conventions of UNESCO. This ANP was decreed in the Official Gazette of the Federation on September 25, 2012, with a total area of ​​37,829.54 hectares.

Tickets for this concert are available via the internet, warned members of the environmental group Observatorio Ciudadano AC (OC) on their social media account.

The event consists of a party with electronic music on May 29-30, and according to the publicity sketch, the entire surface has been conditioned for it.

Mariel Spirit, a member of the organization for the conservation of the environment “Manglares Más Sanos, Más Vivos”, assured that in the dock of Laguna Ciega and its surroundings, in the last two years 14 tons of garbage have been collected due to the activity that spawns the Island of Passion.

A few weeks ago, in that same place, a concert organized by the Jewish community closed, in an operation in which elements of the National Guard, Cofepris, and the Quintana Roo Police participated.

Héctor Guadalupe de Jesús Mac Marín, director of Civil Protection in the municipality, and Fernando Alonso Orozco Ojeda, representative of Conanp, avoided commenting on the electronic music festival on the Island of Passion.

Source: sipse.com

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