Durango grants support to the family of minor deceased in Xcaret


Durango authorities offered support to the family of the 13-year-old boy who was sucked into the uncovered water filtration system

Justice for Leo is the petition that is demanded through the change.org platform for the minor Leo Luna, originally from Durango, who died in recent days at the Xenses Water Park in Cancun, Quintana Roo.

The Durango authorities offered support to the family of the 13-year-old boy who was sucked into the uncovered water filtration system.

It was on March 27 when the accident was recorded, the minor being transferred to a hospital, where he lost his life the next day.

In his social networks the father of the minor, a cardiologist by profession, public:

“Dear friends, I had a tragedy in the Xenses park on March 27, my 13-year-old son died. There are irregularities in the investigation, you can help me. I am a cardiologist, not vaccinated, we had COVID, my whole family traveled as a gift to my children for their bravery ”.

The family came to that tourist site to celebrate that they had beaten COVID-19.

Through his Twitter account, the Secretary General of the Government Héctor Flores, reported on his social networks that all support will be given to the family of the minor who died in XCaret.

“Yesterday I contacted Dr Miguel Ángel Luna Calvo. I have received the express instruction of the governor @AispuroDurango to provide all the necessary support in the clarification and demarcation of responsibilities regarding the regrettable irreparable loss of his son

Source: excelsior.com.mx

The Durango Post