American arrested in Playa del Carmen for selling fake vaccination certificates


A man found offering false covid-19 tests on social media has been taken into police custody. The Attorney General made the acknowledgment on social media saying “investigating agents captured Khon G of foreign origin for the crime of falsification and use of a false document of vaccination certificates that he fraudulently advertised on social networks.”


Khon G was arrested in Playa del Carmen after a citizen complaint leads to an investigation. Kohn G was found advertising the sale of vaccination certificates for 4,000 pesos each. He also allegedly offered to supply the vaccine for the same price.

After an investigation, Playa del Carmen police were able to identify, locate and capture Kohn G for selling fake covid-19 health certificates which are required mostly for travel.

Black market for vaccination certificates

In the last two weeks in Quintana Roo , vaccination certificates began to be requested in restaurants, hotels and shopping malls; thus it is possible to exceed the allowed capacity. This, on the occasion of the economic reactivation of the summer holiday season. 

In order to have the approval of the local authorities, workers and clients must show their vaccination certificate. This must be older than 15 days or in the case of PCR tests or antigens not older than 72 hours. 

Given this, authorities confirmed that there have been reported cases of sellers who illegally falsify vaccination certificates for up to 4,700 pesos on average.

The way these counterfeiters operate is by requesting, through WhatsApp or social networks, the name, address and CURP of the people who require it. Thus the black market for vaccination certificates has grown in Quintana Roo


The Cancun Post