Alleged kidnappers arrested in Cancún demanded ransom in exchange for victims


A woman who was kidnapped along with her baby helped authorities locate the residence with two more victims.

The men arrested last night at a residence located in the Tierra Maya subdivision, Region 105, were handed over to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) for kidnapping. During the authorities’ proceedings, they found more than 100 doses of drugs.

This morning, the Municipal Secretariat of Citizen Security and Transit (SMSCyT) finally released details about the detainees and the rescue of two people who were held captive inside a safe house. The officers were guided to the location by a woman who had been freed along with her baby minutes before the operation.

The suspects, identified as Ricardo Daniel “N” and José Antonio “P”, apparently belong to a criminal group dedicated to drug trafficking and extortion. Inside the safe house, the officers found more than 150 doses of cocaine, crack, crystal meth, and marijuana.

The victims were tortured so that the alleged captors could demand money from their families to stop harming them, without disclosing the ransom amount. Both suspects were turned over to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), where they are being investigated to determine if there are other victims.

Source: Por Esto