A wave of violence hitting Playa del Carmen, 12 executed 3 in last 24 hours


A second body found in playa del carmen, it was found in the villas del sol neighborhood at the height of the fifth park it was inside a refrigerator in a vacant lot, the corpse showed signs of classic torture of organized crime executions, no matter how much the municipal police are trying to hide the information little by little comes to light

12 executed in 48 days, the influencer Lili Campos has chosen to put on the council payroll those pages that previously criticized the government and supported the people.

Without lighting and in a terrible state they continue and police corruption also continue, but now the “reporters” come for another COURSE and show the moral quality of what they are made, in UNCENSORED PLAYA DEL CARMEN we do not have any kind of economic profit for that we always speak the truth and continue to denounce that the famous renovation simply did not come

As much as the administration of the influencer lili Campos buys the entire press, it cannot hide the wave of violence that is hitting Playa del Carmen, three executed in less than 24 hours, Comando executes at least six shots at a taxi driver with unit 107 in Carmen’s mission

May be an image of 3 people and outdoors

A taxi driver from the Lázaro Cárdenas del Rio union was executed minutes after 11 on Wednesday when he was surprised when he was driving on Solidaridad avenue between the 28 de Julio neighborhood and the Misión del Carmen subdivision.
The taxi driver with the economic vehicle number 107 received several shots from a firearm, becoming the executed 12.
The report of the attack on the taxi driver entered the emergency number minutes after eleven o’clock on Wednesday night, so the area was cordoned off once the paramedics confirmed the death inside the unit.

In the place, they mobilized the elements of the Municipal Preventive Police, the Quintana Roo Police, the National Guard, the Mexican Army and the Secretary of the Navy, who implemented security operations in the area to try to locate the person or persons responsible, but without positive results.

Likewise, the public prosecutor and the experts of the expert services went to the place to attest the execution, collect the evidence and transfer the body to the Forensic Medical Service (SEMEFO) for the autopsy of the law and the corresponding procedures

It is worth mentioning that this morning the Secretary of the Navy José Rafael Ojeda during his participation in the morning conference reported that the state was showing an increase in the issue of femicides, which is why they reinforced the surveillance in Tulum, Cancun, and Playa del Carmen.

Source: Sincensuraplayadelcarmen, milenio.com

The Cancun Post