45% of Americans would travel to Cabo or the Mexican Caribbean but no travel plans for Europe until there is a vaccine


According to the results of a survey conducted in the United States, at least 45% of the people interviewed would be willing to travel to the Mexican Caribbean or Cabo, only 14.4% would be willing to travel immediately.

Responses to the survey, conducted by Magma Global, are on the assumption that measures to stay home due to the Coronavirus pandemic issue end on June 15, and people are free to travel.

In the same assumption of the term of confinement, but asking about the possibility of traveling to a destination within the country in which the plane is included, 21.4% of travelers are willing to travel immediately and 20% at least until the month of August.

The survey made it clear that Americans are afraid to travel to Europe since in their responses 42.4% assure that they would not go to the old continent until there is a vaccine to avoid COVID-19 Coronavirus infections.

Americans’ intention to travel has evidently been modified by the current health situation, for example, when asked the same question, how soon would you travel to Asia? The answer was overwhelming, 66% said not until there is a vaccine.

However, the most distressing numbers in the Magma Global survey were for the cruise industry, where unfortunately there were very notable cases of trips that ended with very long confinements inside the ships due to the COVID-19 infections. In this case, 60.6% of the responses will never travel on a cruise ship and 26%, until a vaccine is available.

Favoring the comments of the experts who assure that tourism to close destinations will be the first to explode in a massive way, 54% of those interviewed said that immediately, given the freedom to travel, they would go to a destination that can be reached. travel by car. ( WTTC: Younger travelers will be among the first to travel .)


Where the considerations of the experts have not coincided with the results of this survey, it is in the matter of renting houses and apartments, and that 50% said that when the travel restrictions were over, they would be more comfortable in a Villa or house. rent, compared to a hotel.

Source: nitu.mx

The Mazatlan Post