20% Drop in Occupancy at Playa del Carmen Restaurants


The restaurant sector has seen a nearly 20% decrease in occupancy after last month’s closure rates were above 70%, revealed Gerardo Valadez Victorio, president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac) in the Riviera Maya.

In an interview, the Canirac leader indicated that in these first days of May, the average occupancy is between 50 and 60%, with some days like May 10th, where activity spiked in some restaurants, but due to tourist activity, it is not very noticeable.

“In big cities, everyone goes out, but here it’s different, we are in a tourist place and the presence is not so noticeable,” he expressed, adding that one day does not change the rest of the week, which continues to be low.

He explained that last year was very difficult for the sector and now they are in a second post-pandemic year, “there are restaurants that closed and reopened, but they do not recover in a year,” he indicated, so they will have to wait until the end of the year to talk about a recovery.

The businessman pointed out that restaurateurs permanently participate in fairs and markets to promote the destination. In addition, there are many special events in restaurants and hotels, where wine tastings, food tastings, or renowned chefs are featured, which attracts tourists and keeps the sector afloat.

Source: Noticaribe