Vehicle attacked while fueling up in Playa Del Carmen


An armed attack would have been perpetrated this Friday morning at a gas station, where the occupants of a vehicle were attacked with bullets while loading fuel.

According to preliminary data, the incident occurred at a gas station located at the intersection of “Constituyentes” and 80 avenues in the “Ejido neighborhood of Playa del Carmen, where a white Jettatype vehicle was loading gasoline when he paired a van and opened fire on them.

When the police arrived at the gas station to investigate what happened, the station employees said they knew nothing.

Sorprenden a disparos al conductor de un auto cuando cargaba combustible en  Playa del Carmen

However, residents of the area confirmed to the police that there was an attack carried out by occupants of a red Sahara-type truck.

An unconfirmed version mentions that the Police managed to detect the Sahara-type truck and arrest of its occupants, a man, and a woman, who were all detained, with at least one firearm.

They arrest a subject who shot a driver who was loading gasoline in Playa del Carmen

The report of this situation reached the 911 emergency number, indicating that there was a person injured with a firearm, for which there was immediately an intense mobilization of the police and emergency forces.

At the scene, ministerial police from the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) tried to interview the fuel station workers to learn more details, but they refused to provide information.

Later, it was reported that as a result of an operation, the police managed to locate the cars involved on 4th Street with 105th Avenue.

It was detailed that the vehicle from which the attack came is a Jeep brand, Wrangler type, with UVM587E license plates from this entity.

The police officers questioned a subject who was sitting in the passenger seat, who adopted an aggressive attitude, at the moment that a woman who got out of the Jetta-type car said that moments before the man in question along with another person, who ran away moments before, they fired a shot at his vehicle, for which a search was made and a firearm with a four-quart magazine was found.

The uniformed officers detained this subject, without specifying his name, but indicated that he was turned over to the corresponding authorities.


The Cancun Post