Update on Mexican Public Education broadcast on over-the-air TV channels for 2020 School Year – Starting Monday, August 24


Want to learn Spanish … watching Pre-escolar TV ?? 

Transmitirá Televisa programa "Aprende en Casa" de la SEP | DPLNews

Mexican Public Education will be broadcast on over-the-air TV channels for 2020 School Year – Starting Monday, August 24:

SEP (Education Secretary) has arranged for three TV channels for Basic Education and two for Upper Secondary Education as classes will be broadcast starting at 7:30 AM through 11:30 PM.

The programs of Basic education (preschool and primary) will be divided between three channels: “Network 1” will be broadcast on channels 11.2 (“Once Niños”)  5.2 (Televisa)  and   10.2 (Heraldo). … “Network 2” (aka Cadena 2) will be on Channel 7.3 (TV Azteca). …

Secondary level programs (Junior High) will be broadcast on Network 3 “Cadena 3” on channel 3.2 (Imagen Televisión and Ingenio TV).

The Upper Secondary level programs (Prepa = High School) will be broadcast on “Cadena 4” on channels 14.2 of Ingenio TV and 6.3 of Milenio Televisión.

The specific broadcast times for each grade level are shown below:

~ Preescolar (little kids including Kindergarten):
8 AM to 9 AM (11.2 & 5.2) … 3 PM to 4 PM (3.2) … 5:30 – 6:30 pm

Image may contain: text that says 'once സñิตร Vniños Televisa IMAGEN TELEVISIÓN Opción 1 11.2 5.2 Opción 2 3.2 Opción 3 CDMX 10.2 Preescolar 8:00 a 9:00 15:00 a 16:00 17:30 a 18:30'

Schedule of Subjects:

Distribución de contenido preescolar

~ Primary (1º – 6º)

Image may contain: text that says 'once niñas Vniños Televisa Opción 1 11.2 5.2 1° Primaria tv azteca Opción 2 7.3 9:00 a 11:30 2° Primaria Opción 3 CDMX 10.2 12:00 a 15:30 11:00 a 13:30 3° Primaria 18:30 a 21:00 15:00 17:30 13:30 a 17:00 20:30 a 23:00 Primaria 17:30 a 20:00 16:30 a 19:00 7:30 5° Primaria 10:00 19:30 a 22:00 19:00 a 21:30 9:30 a 12:00 Primaria 7:30 a 10:00 21:00 a 23:30 12:00 a 15:30 9:30a 12:00 15:00 a 17:30'

Schedule of Subjects:

Distribución de materias primaria
Distribución de materias primaria

~ Secondary (7º – 8º) aka Jr High:

Image may contain: text that says 'IMAGEN TELEVISIÓN IMAGEN TELEVISION Opción1 3.2 Opción 2 3.2 1° Secundaria 16:00 19:00 21:30 IMAGEN TELEVISION 00:00 2° Secundaria MILENIO TELEVISION 8:00 a 11:00 Opción 3.2 18:30 21:30 Opción2 6.3 3° Secundaria 10:30 13:30 15:00 a18:00'

Schedule of Subjects:

Distribución de contenido secundaria
Distribución de contenido secundaria
Distribución de contenido secundaria

~ Bachillerato (9º – 12º) … aka High School:

Image may contain: text that says 'MILENIO TELEVISION MILENIO TELEVISIÓN Opción 1 6.3 Opción 2 6.3 Bachillerato 08:00 a 12:00 18:00 a 22:00 Telebachillerato Comunitario 12:00 12:00a14:00 a 14:00 22:00a 22:00a00:00 00:00'

Schedule of Subjects:

Materias bachillerato

NOTICE that there are some daily instructional shows for parents, educators, et al:

Let’s wish all our dear kids a good productive school year – as we all work to make the best of these COVID times.

By Dr. Steven M. Fry
Ph.D. Chemistry & Public Health

SEP workbooks for students and teachers can be downloaded


The objective of the SEP is that digital material can help students and teachers in this new way of taking and teaching.

For the 2020-2021 school year of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP ), which will begin on August 24, students and teachers will need their respective study notebooks , which they can download as follows.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the SEP decided that this school year will begin with distance classes through the ‘Learn at Home II’ program, with the help of television, radio and the Internet.

SEP reported that are available workbooks for students and teachers of primary and secondary .

The objective of the SEP is that digital material can help students and teachers in this new way of taking and teaching.

The workbooks are for the six grades of primary and three of secondary; Teachers can even find in them a section of didactic proposals that promote student learning.

To be able to download them, you can enter the following link where you must select the notebook depending on the grade and in the upper right part of the document you will choose the option “download” (the arrow icon) or “print” (printer icon) .

The news continues, keep it on. Download our app !

Source: yucalandia.com, adn40.mx,

The Yucatan Post