Tulum will host the Triple A Wrestling on January 5th


The Worldwide Wrestling billboard will impress young and old.

With an impressive billboard of Worldwide Wrestling, Tulum will celebrate in a big way the Day of Kings 2024 in a completely free event organized by Amigos Empresarios in coordination with the City Council.

According to the billboard announced by the Private Initiative, it will be a star fight of the Triple A with the legends of wrestling, Dr. Wagner Jr, Myztezis Jr and Octagón Jr in a duel of titans against the Negro Casas, Chessman and Toxin.

As if that were not enough, in the international relays, Mexico-Japan, Brazo de Oro Jr and Brazo Celestial will fight against Kento and Takuma. In the special fight, the new values of the triple A Kaotico-Chiquitin will shine against Infierno-Still Boy, while for a one-on-one fight celebrating all the boys and girls, Spider Man will debut against Duende Maya.

This impressive and completely free encounter will take place next Friday, January 5, 2024, at 6 pm on the esplanade of the Municipal Palace of Tulum.

The friends entrepreneurs in coordination with municipal authorities invite society to enjoy this first-class event.

Source: Sipse