They serve between 20 and 25 passengers at the Cancun and Tulum airports daily


The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) for the Mexican Caribbean Zone reported that, in order to provide advice and address consumer complaints, permanent modules have been installed at the airports of Cancun and Tulum.

According to the head of the agency, Israel Malacón, at Terminal 2 of the Cancun International Airport (AIC), between 20 and 25 people are served daily with different issues, whether they are queries, advice or complaints, who are assisted in order to mediate with the airlines and the consumer is not affected.

It was noted that most of the complaints that passengers have are due to overbooking on flights, therefore, they intervene in this situation so that the airlines give them an immediate response, whether in the payment of lodging or food, this depending on the case or the terms that each airline has already established, but the purpose is to resolve the cases of the consumers.

Given this situation, they have been able to significantly reduce the number of complaints they receive from Profeco, since by resolving them immediately they leave the traveler satisfied and able to reach their destination, since it is considered that 99 percent of the consumers who are served are not from Quintana Roo.

Source: noticias.canal10tv