Tabasco among the entities in the country with the most infected and deaths from coronavirus


It is also among the entities that register the most deaths related to the virus; first is CDMX 29; Sinaloa with 12 and Edomex, Quintana Roo and Tabasco with eight each, according to data from the Federal Ministry of Health.

Incrementan a 3 mil 181, los casos positivos de COVID-19 en México ...

7 / April / 2020.- Of a total of 20,475 people analyzed, 125 had died as of yesterday due to the coronavirus pandemic; the Ministry of Health reported 2,439 confirmed cases, 6,295 suspects and 11,741 negatives.

El estado de Tabasco se constituye | Servicio de Información ...

José Luis Alomía Zegarra, general director of Epidemiology, reported that, of the positive cases, the greatest number has been registered in the CDMX (709); the other seven states with more than a hundred patients are Edomex (261), Puebla (156), Jalisco (126), Quintana Roo (115), Baja California (111), Tabasco (107) and Coahuila (102) .

At a press conference, accompanied by Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion of the Ministry of Health, and Víctor Borja Aburto, Director of Benefits of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), the official explained that the median age of confirmed cases is 44 years; 58% men and 42% women.

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Of the total number of patients, 73.76% (1,799) required only outpatient treatment and the rest have been hospitalized; of them, 22 (9.06%) are stable, 330 (13.53%) are serious and 89 (3.65%) were intubated.

The median age of those who lost their lives is 57 years; 75% men and 25% women.

Until yesterday, the entities that registered the most deaths related to the virus were, first of all, the CDMX with 29 people; Sinaloa with 12 and Edomex, Quintana Roo and Tabasco with eight each.

The case fatality rate recorded per 100 cases was 5.13 and the death rate per 100,000 inhabitants 0.10.

To a specific question, Alomía Zegarra specified that of the total deaths registered, three people, between 25 and 29 years old, apparently did not suffer any problem of hypertension, diabetes or obesity, among other comorbidities, so that their death could be due exclusively to COVID -19 or because they had autoimmune problems that they had not detected.


The Mazatlan Post