Roberto Palazuelos: with AMLO “we are worse than in the worst moments of the PRI”


As a pre-candidate for the Senate of the Republic by the Movimiento Ciudadano Party (MC), the actor Roberto Palazuelos affirmed that in the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, “corruption is worse than ever” and anticipated that his government “will be judged for that”.

“This presidential administration had a great opportunity to eradicate corruption. However, we are worse than in the worst moments of the PRI; we have more corruption than ever,” he said.

At the end of his activities in the internal pre-campaign phase, in the city of Chetumal, capital of Quintana Roo, the lawyer and businessman also gave several examples to support his assertion.

He spoke of the alleged payment that has to be made to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) to obtain an appointment and register a company, as well as the “huge” corruption scandals that surround the children and close officials of López Obrador.

He also mentioned the Maya Train, which, although he considered a good project, pointed out the opacity with which the information on contracts, costs and environmental permits has been handled, under the pretext of having been declared a matter of public interest and national security.

“The Maya Train … how is it possible that the Quintana Rooans and Mexicans cannot know how much it cost for a matter of national security?

“That is a very delicate issue. It is a matter of corruption to take out national security to hide the transparency that we were already entering very strongly, it is something terrible. Corruption is worse than ever. This presidential administration will be judged for that,” he said.

Palazuelos Badeux, who assumed himself “a danger for the opposition”, even when his party is supposed to represent the opposition, underlined that his role in this contest and when elected as senator, will be to be a counterweight.

“I seek to be a counterweight (…) Counterweights are required. It is very important to prevent the party in power (Morena) from having a qualified majority, because if they get to have a qualified majority, they will take away our homeland,” he warned.

He advanced that in his formula a Maya-speaking woman born in the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, the cradle of the so-called Maya Social War, is contemplated and guaranteed that there will be no simulation as “in other parties” that pretend to usurp the affirmative action indigenous with someone who is not even.

The comment obeyed when questioned about the intention of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) to register the federal deputy, Anahí González, as a candidate for the Senate through the affirmative action that corresponds to the indigenous population, when she is not, nor does she live in a community.

The businessman assured that he is being very careful in respecting the law and applies a different strategy than the one he carried out two years ago when he wanted to be a candidate for governor of Quintana Roo.

On that occasion – he explained – he focused on being a character centered on the media and not on visiting and knowing the territory. Today, it is the other way around, so his public acts have been scarce, but he has dedicated himself to touring the state, in much more remote areas.

“My strategy is a lot of land,” he said, developing with greater measure, without seeking to confront other local political actors.

Asked about his relationship with Governor “Mara” Lezama and if he fears that there is interference in the election, he responded that “it is respectful and I am not going to confront her, because I am not looking to be governor at this time” and added that he does not currently see any intentions to influence the race.

Source: El Universal