Quintana Roo surpasses Yucatan and Campeche in crimes


Quintana Roo is the state of the Yucatan Peninsula with the highest crime incidence, above Campeche and Yucatán, according to the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP).

With 37,025 crimes, Quintana Roo is the state of the peninsula with the highest crime incidence, surpassing by far Campeche and Yucatán, which have respectively 1,840 and 7,616 crimes, until the last cut presented by the Executive Secretariat of the National System of Public Safety (SESNSP).

In the area of ​​homicides, Quintana Roo already reached 551 intentional homicides, in addition to 573 rapes and 13 femicides, until November 2020, the last update report of the year, since the next one will be released on January 20, 2021, and will cover December.

ejecución en Tulum

Sexual attacks are the ones with the highest growth between 2019 and 2020, doubling the incidence, according to statistical data from the secretariat itself.

The municipalities with the highest incidence of crime are Benito Juárez, Solidaridad, Othón P. Blanco, and Tulum, the last one with a high prevalence of cases per house of 100,000 inhabitants.

The violence in Quintana Roo, December starts with eight deaths.

So far in 2020, the rate of intentional homicides is 551, with February remaining the most violent with 65 deaths. In the case of November, 44 were reported. Out of these, 352 have been with firearms, and 118 with unspecified elements or with another weapon. In the case of deaths by firearms, February was the month with the highest number of deaths from shooting.

However, the highest incidence is crimes of a sexual nature.

According to SESNSP, as of November of this year, 573 cases of rape have been reported, of which 55 cases were reported last month. The month with the highest number of complaints was October, with 71 cases. In comparison, in November 2019 the state reported 210 cases.

On the issue of femicides, 13 cases have been reported, where the months of February, April, October, and November remain the highest incidence with two in each of them. In this area, for November 2019, Quintana Roo reported 15 femicides (it ended the year with 16).

Another crime that maintains a high incidence trend is that of domestic violence, which has 4,333 complaints, with March being the month with the highest number of complaints, with 518, followed by September with 509, and November with 440.

In this area, 2019 left an incidence, until November, of 5,192 cases, a lower trend, but which is still high.

In the area of ​​robberies, 14,201 complaints were reported. Of these 1,628 have been to houses, and of these 181 have been with violence.

tulum crime wave

Another 2,385 cases have been theft of vehicles, of which 178 have been with violence. Theft to carriers also stands out in this area, with 42 cases, in which there are 33 formal complaints of robbery with violence.

In the section of robbery to pedestrians on public roads, 1,405 complaints have been settled, of these, 802 are with violence.

A high incidence so far in 2020 is business robbery, which has been triggered by the health contingency, the security secretariat details that 3,517 cases have been reported, of these, 2,110 have been with violence and 1,412 without violence.

In the case of extortion, where Benito Juárez and Solidaridad are the municipalities with the highest incidence, according to the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), 195 cases have been reported.

Tulum murders

These figures, summarized Secretariat, have served as an incentive so that in recent days the president of the republic himself, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will place Benito Juárez as one of the 15 municipalities with the highest number of intentional homicides nationwide, Therefore, starting in 2021, meetings of the Security Committee will be held periodically.

Quintana Roo ranks 10th in rate per 100,000 inhabitants in relation to malicious crimes and the Benito Juárez municipality is among the top 15 in the country that concentrates the highest number of malicious crimes with 729 accumulated from December 2018 to November 2020, which represent 1.2 percent of the national total and which together with 14 other demarcations account for 27.5 percent of the total.

Source: poresto.net

The Cancun Post