Oaxacans defy COVID stay at home orders


The influx of people in the Historic Center of the city of Oaxaca is abundant, in addition to the fact that many of the businesses open normally, which would accelerate contagions, doctors warn

Neither the municipal police rondines nor the warning campaigns to stay home have had any effect in the capital, where more people are seen on the street every day doing daily activities, neglecting preventive measures in the face of the health contingency

Health sector workers warned that if recommendations such as hygiene, healthy distance or home isolation were not followed, COVID-19 cases could increase considerably in the Oaxacan entity in the following weeks.

After the federal Ministry of Health (Ssa) released the registry of cases by municipality, the alarms went off in some urban areas such as Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán that presents 3 confirmed cases, however, in the capital with 12 positive measures of prevention by citizens have relaxed in recent days.

Defraudan en contingencia con créditos chuecos

As of April 14, the road elements of the municipal Traffic and Mobility Sub-directorate reported an increase in vehicular and pedestrian circulation in the Historic Center of the city of Oaxaca, this compared to the last week of March when the mobility decreased by up to 60 percent

The streets where the vehicular ow increased are Independencia, Calzada Madero, Armenta and López, Fiallo, Avenida Juárez, Avenida Universidad, Periférico and Calzada Porrio Díaz.”This could be because they were fortnightly payment days,” said René Ricárdez Limón, head of the municipal Trafc and Mobility Subdirectorate.

In the parks such as the Alameda de León, Zócalo, Jardín San Francisco and Jardín Conzatti, the influx of walkers and people who came to perform various activities, also increased considerably

“It is unfortunate that people do not abide by preventive measures, we know that many have the need to go out and carry out their economic activities, but unfortunately we see that they do not have the responsibility to abide by preventive measuressuch asthe use of mouthguards,”said doctor Manuel. Echeverría Martínez, who is attending consultationsin one of the Covid-Oaxaca hospitals.

He warned that in case the preventive measures such as a healthy distance are not complied with,”we can regret it when the cases are increasing, that is why we have insisted that people stay at home because we cannot bear all the responsibility.”

He explained that in the face of the massive concentration of users in banking institutions, the same doctors who make up a network of workers in the health sector, have made some recommendations to the staff of the banks and “the only thing they tell us is that outside the branches they The healthy distance does not correspond to them anymore since their responsibility is within the institutions

“That is why we insist to the people: Stay at home, we cannot, and if they have to go out wearing “ mouth masks, that the virus does not progress depends on ourselves as citizens,” he said.

Source: imparcialoaxaca.mx

The Mazatlan Post