Mexico gasoline prices for May 6th, 2020


The national average price for Magna, Premium and Diesel 

This Wednesday, May 6, 2020, Premium gasoline maintained, little by little, the price of Magna gasoline continues to keep its increase constant, not so the Premium and diesel that remained static.

Today this is how energy is sold in Mexico: Magna at 15.32 pesos, Premium at 16.41 and Diesel at 19.68, compared to 15.31, 16.41 and 18.68 on Monday.

The price of gasoline and diesel in some areas of Mexico, if you want to check your state WE RECOMMEND YOU ENTER THIS PAGE

Average price of gasoline in SINALOA today

Magna 16.01

Premium 17.89

Diesel 19.14

Average price of gasoline in MEXICO CITY – CDMX today

Magna 15.67

Premium 16.55

Diesel 18.27

Average price of gasoline in CHIHUAHUA today

Magna 13.17

Premium 14.95

Diesel 17.51

Average gasoline price in CHIAPAS today

Magna 15.25

Premium 16.04

Diesel 18.88

Average gasoline price in SAN LUIS POTOSÍ today

Magna 14.96

Premium 15.81

Diesel 18.13


The Mazatlan Post