Mexican scientists stand out in other countries


The number of highly qualified Mexicans working abroad ranges from 1.6 million to two million people who are at the forefront of important scientific, technological, cultural, or business projects.

In this sense, Mexicans can be located in the development of artistic events or commercially in managerial positions, most of them in the US, followed by Spain and then probably France, England, and Canada, but they can be found in distant countries such as the Czech Republic, just to name one.

This was stated by Luis Alfredo Bonilla Garza, president of the Node Aguascalientes, an organization whose purpose is to establish strategic alliances with compatriots residing abroad in highly specialized tasks, and dependent on the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, a decentralized body of the Ministry of Foreign Relations.

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He mentioned that in Aguascalientes, people have been able to attend online conferences given by some prominent professionals.

“Last year we had the presence of José Miguel Ramírez Olivos, he works at the Canadian Space Agency as responsible for the monitoring and management of satellites.

Furthermore, in the city of Osaka, Japan, we have a scientist Christian Peñaloza, a young Mexican who is already considered one of the most important specialists in robotics in the world; and there are several engineers and doctors in programming who develop video games and who carry out different computer programs. ”

Mexican scientists are scattered all over the world | Cortesía | IDSCE

He also noted that in Houston, Texas, the business administrator, José Luis López, who is responsible for incubating Mexican products to accelerate their export to the US.

“Most of our compatriots participate in the project to repatriate knowledge, a type of remittance that provides technological and cultural benefits to the country,” Bonilla Garza concluded.

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Source: Diario de Querétaro

The Mazatlan Post