Legislative Reform Demanded to Prevent Ejidal Invasions in Playa del Carmen


Solidaridad’s Secretary of the City Council, Cecilio Puc, admits they couldn’t do much about the invasion cases.

After various invasion acts during this municipal administration, laws need to be reformed to guarantee property rights.

Cecilio Puc Sansores, General Secretary of the City Council of Solidaridad, mentioned they acted within their competence but couldn’t do much. They warned legislators to reform the laws.

“It’s a matter of lack of spaces where people can live, and I’m sure that in the coming years there could be a law reform that allows having space without affecting property security,” said Puc Sansores.

During this government, various invasion acts occurred, mainly in the ejidal lands of Playa del Carmen.

This act is considered a crime under the Penal Code of the State of Quintana Roo, classified as dispossession, with penalties of up to more than 10 years in prison.

A few weeks ago, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (SEMA) intervened in a property near the Bali subdivision, south of Playa del Carmen, due to probable invaders burning green areas, causing a strong emission of toxic smoke.

Puc Sansores recalled that they have supported the proceedings but can’t do much because the investigation of such acts is carried out by the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) of Quintana Roo, following a criminal complaint by the affected party. So far, the invasion of ejidal lands continues, where despite a complaint, the involved parties continue to appropriate lands that the ejido Playa del Carmen has proven to belong to them.

Among the victims of this crime is also the City Council of Solidaridad, which had its lands appropriated by others, for which the incident was also reported.

Source: Sipse