In the face of coronavirus, AMLO government distributes a month supply of condoms


State health secretariats and health services are prepared to guarantee supply, federal authorities indicated

This Thursday, the conference on public health and status of the coronavirus in Mexico by health authorities took a turn in favor of reproductive health as measures were announced to guarantee contraceptive methods and care for pregnancy.

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During the press conference at the National Palace, Karla Berdichevsky Feldman, director-general of the National Center for Gender Equity and Reproductive Health said that to ensure the continued use of contraceptive methods for users of contraceptive pills, monthly injectables, patches, and male and female condoms.

Provision will be made for more than a month and in additional amounts so that there is no lack of use for this reason

Karla Berdichevsky Feldman, Director General of the National Center for Gender Equity

Berdichevsky Feldman clarified that state health secretariats and health services are prepared to guarantee care, adding that it is important not to interrupt the use of contraceptive methods to avoid unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases.

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The official invited the general population to use these services, which are accessed for free, secure and confidential.

Berdichevsky Feldman stated that he will continue to prevent and deal with sexual violence and gender-based violence in health services, taking into account preventive measures to avoid contagion when victims go to his health center.

In another topic, he pointed out that a pregnant woman with coronavirus can be asymptomatic or can reach a serious condition, in addition, she clarified that in the world there has been no transmission of the disease to the fetus in the uterus.

In the event that a lactating woman suspects or tests positive for the coronavirus test, the doctor mentioned that they can still breastfeed their baby, and that they can both stay in the same room.


The Mazatlan Post