In Cozumel, they open the first store in Mexico to sell cannabis products


The island of Cozumel now has the first store that sells products made with cannabis, which also has the necessary federal, state, and municipal permits to operate, making it the only franchise of its kind in the country.

The direct person in charge of this store is a young businessman from Cozumel, who has opted for this Smog Shop, which is located in a commercial plaza in the south of the island.

Eliot Reyes Novelo, from the Reyes Organization (OREY), reported that this was achieved by bringing the franchise to the island, whose main product is CBD or cannabidiol, one of the compounds of the Cannabis Sativa plant, which is used for therapeutic purposes. by relieving, among other things, muscle pain, which has drawn the attention of patients and neuro health specialists globally.

According to a report by specialists from the United States, cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a substance extracted from the cannabis or hemp plant, which does not generate addiction, since it is made up of a chemical whose new benefits have recently been discovered.

According to those responsible for said store, the products, in addition to having been approved and legally authorized, are considered a food supplement that opens the possibility of a new market in the young adult population.

The Cancun Post