First case of Covid-19 confirmed in San Luis Potosí


This is a woman between 50 and 65 years old, who in recent days traveled to Europe and it is documented that the contagion took place in Spain

The Ministry of Health of San Luis Potosí confirmed the first case of coronavirus in the entity.

Resultado de imagen de Confirman primer caso de Covid-19 en San Luis Potosí

It is a woman between 50 and 65 years old, who in recent days traveled to Europe and it is documented that the contagion took place in Spain.

At a press conference, the director of Public Health of San Luis Potosí, Miguel Ángel Lutzow Steiner, explained that the woman arrived in Mexico on March 10 without presenting symptoms, so she passed the filters at airports without a problem.

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It was not until a day later that he presented symptoms such as fever and cough, among others, for which he requested the coronavirus test, which was positive on Friday afternoon.

Among the preventive measures for the patient, explained Lutzow Steiner, is having her isolated in her room, ventilated, with sunlight, and she should not have contact with other people.

Resultado de imagen de Confirman primer caso de Covid-19 en San Luis Potosí

Likewise, it will be monitored twice a day by personnel from the Ministry of Health, who must take the necessary measures to care for her, while her family members must not share space and objects with the patient.

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For her part, the head of the Ministry of Health in San Luis Potosí, Mónica Liliana Rangel, reported that phase 1 continues for the entity, so it is not necessary to cancel events or shows, and classes continue normally.

“At this time, the protocols do not change, the actions remain normal, since the case was imported from Europe,” he explained.

He also invited that if any person has any symptoms, go to public or private health clinics.


The Mazatlan Post