Electric transport that will link the Mayan Train with Cancun Airport will be inaugurated in November 


Although the progress of the works and the removal of vegetation can already be seen, up to now it has not been published in the Ecological Gazette of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, that the project has been entered for environmental evaluation by this dependence. 

Cancún, QRoo.- Although it was announced this weekend that the electric transport system that will link the Cancun Airport with the Mayan Train station will be ready in November, up to now the environmental impact studies that the project requires are not presented yet. 

The director of the air terminal himself, Carlos Trueba, told El Economista last July that they were already studying the project, but it still required the completion of an Environmental Impact Statement, since the project implies removal of jungle vegetation that surrounds airport runways. 

Although the progress of the works and the removal of vegetation can already be seen, up to now it has not been published in the Ecological Gazette of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), that the project has been submitted for environmental evaluation by part of this dependency. 

The transport will be a minibus that will use the internal roads of the airport, surrounding the perimeter of the terminal in a circuit of “no more than 20 minutes” to reach the railway terminal, currently under construction. 

Among the characteristics of the minibus it is mentioned that it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, will have a maximum capacity of 24 passengers and will run at an average speed of 30 kilometers per hour. 

Weeks ago, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador himself even said that the construction of a tunnel with technology from the transnational Tesla was being analyzed to communicate both terminals, but he no longer mentioned it during the presentation of the progress of section 4 of the Mayan train at the conference this Monday. 

  Source: El Economista