This page is about Jesus Coeto Vazquez, who is a known scammer working in real estate in Mazatlan and other cities in Mexico. I’m attempting to collect as much information as we can so that we can pass it to the authorities and prevent him from continuing to take advantage of people in our city!
Jesus uses a number of fake social media profiles to contact victims, and then scam people out of their money through arranging property rentals that he is not authorized to rent. He has done this to multiple people in the city of Mazatlan and possibly in other cities throughout Mexico. This has to stop!

I have posted screenshots of my conversations with him, screenshots of his fake social media profiles, as well as audio recordings of his voice. He may be contacting you through an as-yet-unknown fake profile, so if his writing style or voice is familiar to you, please stop doing business with him immediately and use our contact form to get in touch with us and provide details on your interaction so we can pass the information to the authorities.
Jesus and people like him are parasites preying on people who are trying to find a new place to live, often at great expense to the victims. This kind of behavior has no place in our community and must be stopped. Please help us locate and apprehend this criminal before he scams anyone else or steals their money.

Below are some additional photos of him, and a list of his currently known accomplices and aliases. Please do your own research when working with unknown people claiming to be real estate agents, and always work only with people that you trust!
If you have encountered him, we hope to hear from you!
Other aliases and known accomplices:
“Edd Mundo” | This is a FAKE Facebook profile that Jesus uses to post available properties as bait for his scams. Probably this will be deleted shortly. Este es un perfil FALSO de Facebook que Jesús usa para publicar propiedades disponibles como cebo para sus estafas. Probablemente esto se borrará en breve. |
“Marie Coeto” “Mary Clarke” ”Marie Charlotte” | It’s not clear whether this person is just Jesus pretending to be someone named Marie, but she operates under multiple names as well. Possibly his wife or female relative. Or it could be a dog. Either way, this person is an accomplice in his scam. No está claro si esta persona es solo Jesús que finge ser alguien llamado Marie, pero también opera con varios nombres. Posiblemente su esposa o pariente femenina. O podría ser un perro. De cualquier manera, esta persona es cómplice de su estafa. |
“Hesus Vasquez” | Yet another FAKE Facebook profile this guy has used on at least one other victim in the Mazatlan area. Otro perfil FALSO de Facebook que este tipo ha usado en al menos otra víctima en el área de Mazatlán. |
“Josue Arevalo” | This is the name of the probably non-existent person that owned the PayPal account that I transferred my deposit to. Naturally I very much doubt this person exists. Este es el nombre de la persona probablemente inexistente que era propietaria de la cuenta de PayPal a la que transferí mi depósito. Naturalmente, dudo mucho que exista esta persona. |
Have you seen Jesus Coeto Vazquez recently or know how to find him? Click below to pass that information to us and the authorities!
¿Has visto a Jesús Coeto Vázquez recientemente o sabes cómo encontrarlo? ¡Haga clic a continuación para pasarnos esa información a nosotros y a las autoridades!