90% of restaurants will remain closed for Christmas in Cancun


Many businesses decide to keep their curtains down and resume operations for December 26.

The National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (CANIRAC) announced that, at Christmas, that is, next December 25, at least 90% of the restaurants will remain closed as part of the holiday.

Julio Villareal Zapata, president of CANIRAC in Cancun, mentioned that this is due to the low influx that is recorded this day, so many businesses decide to keep their curtains down and resume operations for the 26, and only a smaller percentage opens its doors.

“Many of the businesses only sell take-out dinners and close earlier on the 24th, at least 75%, and decide not to open the doors for Christmas, thereby giving a day off to their collaborators,” he explained

Since last weekend, CANIRAC has already reported an increase in its occupations and expects to maintain at least 95% during these days since the hotel occupations are marked positive and for the entire Restaurant sector the best sales are given for the end of the year, since these days they do maintain the openings to celebrate the last day of the year.

He mentioned that, for these Christmas days, the restaurants that have special menus, will be selling Christmas dinners with an average ticket that ranges from 500 to 1500 pesos, although this will vary by area since they are mainly more expensive in the hotel zone of Cancun.

“The State will be closing with a total of 7000 businesses focused on gastronomy of these 1500 are affiliated to the chamber, so we will continue working to have good numbers and positive occupations that also generate more employment and a more solid economy,” he explained.

For December 31, restaurants do contemplate an opening of almost 100% of the businesses.

Source: Novedades Quintana Roo