Transporters reject charges and excessive requirements to operate at Tulum Airport


After demonstrating, the transporters were received by airport executives, who listened to their complaints and committed to listening to their counter-proposals to make the operation of transporters less tortuous and expensive at that airport.

Tourist transporters protested against the charges and excessive requirements that they intend to impose on them in order to operate at the Tulum International Airport “Felipe Carrillo Puerto”.

According to the testimonies of the operators of vans with federal plates for the transfer of tourists, the airport administration, in charge of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), intends to impose monthly contracts of 805 pesos plus VAT, to be able to offer their transportation services at the newly inaugurated Tulum terminal.

In addition to this, they are required a series of documentation that includes personal data such as criminal records and even vehicle verification that proves that they do not emit pollutants to the environment, which they claim violates their privacy and is excessive.

They are also asked to send daily emails to the commercial area of the airport to inform about the type of van that will enter the airport to pick up or drop off passengers, which is cumbersome and impractical for daily operation.

After demonstrating, the transporters were received by airport executives, who listened to their complaints and committed to listening to their counter-proposals to make the operation of transporters less tortuous and expensive at that airport.

Contrary to the more than 800 pesos that they charge them to enter or exit the terminal, the transporters propose a daily charge of 20 pesos, with semi-annual contracts, prior legal accreditation of the companies that own the vehicles in which the tourists are transported.

They hope that soon the airport managers will deliver a final document in which they integrate their proposals and based on that, regulate the transportation operation at the airport.

Source: El Economista