Mexico became an oasis for international tourists amid the pandemic (CNN)


by Marcos Gonzalez Diaz BBC News Mundo correspondent in Mexico

Mexico became an oasis for international tourists amid the pandemic (even for those who have to go through quarantines)

Pierre, a young French man living in New York, had no doubts when choosing where to travel to spend a few days on vacation last November.

“I decided to go to Mexico because they did not ask for covid-19 tests to enter. We wanted to go to the Turks and Caicos Islands, but there were many restrictions. So, although Mexico was not our first option, we decided to go easy,” he says .

Like him, thousands of international tourists -especially from the United States- have seen in Mexico a kind of oasis to travel in a pandemic thanks to its almost non-existent restrictions due to coronavirus to enter by air.

The Mexican government, which has received not a few questions about this almost unprecedented position in the world, insists that restricting the entry of tourists does not have a clear effect on reducing the number of infections in a country that exceeds 170,000 deaths from covid- 19.

In what this strategy has helped, however, is that one of the main sources of income in Mexico has been able to survive the pandemic somewhat better than in other countries where tourism was, almost literally, crushed by the virus.

Source; BBC News Mundo

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