Five cases of leprosy have been recently reported in Yucatán and Quintana Roo


The Ministry of Health reported, through the epidemiological bulletin, that in recent days there have been five cases of leprosy officially registered and documented in the Yucatan Peninsula.

According to the report of the National Epidemiological Surveillance System (Sinave), three cases are registered in Yucatán and two in Quintana Roo.

Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae, it can affect anyone, but it is more common in young men. It is chronic and the incubation period can vary from 1 to 20 years.

Leprosy is classified into two polar types: lepromatous leprosy and tuberculoid leprosy, as well as two groups of cases (indeterminate and dimorphic). In general, it tends to affect the eyes, skin, and peripheral nerves.

Each has different clinical manifestations. In tuberculoid leprosy, one or a few white spots may appear on different parts of the body, these spots have no sensitivity. While lepromatous lesions are in the form of nodules (balls) that can appear anywhere on the body. Another type is diffuse, in which the smooth, shiny face (succulent faces) is observed, due to the infiltration of the skin by the bacillus.

People who suffer from the latter type have alopecia of the eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as a change in the sclera (white part of the eye), which takes on a bluish hue. In addition, if they are not treated in a timely manner, they can present deformities in the nose, face, and extremities.

Leprosy is a disease that has decreased in frequency in Mexico, due to the various actions carried out over decades to combat it. However, for some inexplicable reason leprosy is making a comeback across Mexico.


The Yucatan Post