Due to coronavirus, Mexicans block border crossings into Sonora to stop American entry


Protesters expressed concern that people may import new cases of COVID-19 into Mexico

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A group of protesters demanded more stringent checks to detect the coronavirus in the flow south of the US-Mexico border.

Bloquean garita en Sonora por Covid-19

They expressed concern that people from the United States could import new cases of COVID-19 into Mexico.

On Wednesday, protesters on the Mexican side of the border blocked the access lanes to Mexico in the two border cities of Nogales for several hours.

The group of citizens calling themselves “Sonorans for Health and Life” parked a couple of vehicles on the lanes that connect both cities.

Approximately half a dozen protesters then stood in the lanes blocked with posters with the phrase # QuédateEnCasa and launching slogans demanding greater control at the border.

Operadores bloquean garita de Nogales con 900 camiones ...

The United States implemented restrictions on the entry of travelers at its border crossings with Mexico since last Saturday.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been criticized for minimizing the seriousness of the coronavirus threat and for acting slowly to implement preventive measures against the disease, despite the fact that state governments, including that of Sonora, and the head of government from Mexico City, impose restrictions and call on the population to stay home.


Source: informador.mx, eldiariodesonora.com.mx