Cyclist dies decapitated on the Tulum-Cobá road after being hit by a truck


This Tuesday morning, a tragedy occurred on the Tulum-Coba state highway, approximately at kilometer 28, between the communities of Francisco Uh May and Manuel Antonio Ay, when a heavy vehicle ran over a cyclist and fled.

Unfortunately, other vehicles that were traveling through the area at excessive speed passed over the body, to the point of detaching its head. It was not until later, when the area was cordoned off to preserve the body so that the Tulum Vice Prosecutor’s Office could appear for the corresponding purposes.

When experts and the forensic medical service of the Prosecutor’s Office showed up, the road was completely closed, which generated a traffic jam that lasted more than an hour. In the end, the body was collected and transferred to the Semefo facilities in the ninth municipality, so that it could be claimed by relatives.

 Source: Por Esto