Cancun: the all-inclusive regulation “attacks tourism”

Aerial of the Zona Hotelera at Cancun.

Businessmen show their concern about the regulation of all-inclusive, a successful model in Caribbean hotels, which has been exported throughout the world and which, according to professionals, threatens tourism.

This is how Eduardo Martínez González, president of the Caribbean Business Coordinating Council, defined it. The All Inclusive hotel concept has been of utmost importance for the industry to enhance its products, so over-regulation would be a mistake, according to Quintanaroohoy.

“We cannot put at risk a sales format that is very successful. So, we believe that the All Inclusive industry has been key to offering the product that is needed today, that is, that many people seek to safely control their expenses and their trip. We have even seen how many hotels have already migrated to that format to be competitive and have sufficient volume of tourists,” he explained.

The business leader commented that this initiative, which would add a paragraph to article 43 of the Consumer Protection Law, will attack an entire format that is successful around the world, not just in Mexico.

Last April, the National Tourism Business Council (CNET) expressed its concern about said reform in a letter to the Senate of the Republic, as reported by (Mexico: controversy over the ‘all inclusive’ before a parliamentary reform).

 Source: Reportur