Canadian who committed suicide by jumping off the Cancun airport bridge identified (video)


CANCÚN, QUINTANA ROO. On Sunday night the alerts were turned on when a deceased person was reported, after throwing himself off the bridge

Around 7:48 p.m. on Sunday, when it was reported to the C5, that a person jumped from the airport bridge, at kilometer 307, on Luis Donaldo Colosio avenue, Tulum-Cancun highway.

Elements of the Quintana Roo Police arrived at the site, whose uniforms proceeded to stop the vehicular traffic since a man was brutally run over on the avenue. Although firefighters and the Red Cross arrived, the paramedics could do nothing to save the man’s life.

Expert Services personnel carried out the removal of the body, which was partially unrecognizable. The events took place just 30 meters from police filter number two, located at the exit of Cancún, heading for the municipality of Puerto Morelos.

Era extranjero el sujeto que se lanzó del puente que va al aeropuerto.

Johncox Van Michael, 61 years old and of Canadian nationality, the man who committed suicide last night by jumping from the top of the bridge over Colosio Boulevard, at the height of the airport, was identified.

The above information was obtained from the deceased’s passport, with registration number AR426987, located among his belongings, it was indicated on an information card. Right there it was mentioned that the victim suffered a fracture in the right leg, exposure of the viscera, and multiple abrasions.

Although at first it was reported to the Specialized Homicide Prosecutor’s Office, because when the man fell to the ground he was run over by a tractor-trailer and tire tracks were left on his body, the C5 cameras confirmed that the foreigner jumped and that it looks like a suicide. It is also known that no family member has come to claim the body and that the deceased had three tattoos, one of a Chinese letter on the left arm, another with the legend “Cane pierce” on the right arm, and a mill in the area of ​​the scapular right. (SIM Agency)

Las cámaras del C5 fueron testigos de los últimos minutos de vida de Michael “N”, de 45 años de origen británico.


The Cancun Post