During the 42 months of AMLO’s six-year term, over 120 thousand homicides have been registered; and the number continues to rise
The Mexican Episcopate Conference asked the authorities to review security strategies because “they are failing.”
Mexican bishops considered that Mexico is splashing blood for “so many dead and missing”, so they asked the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to change its security strategy since the current one is “failing”.
“This reality of violence hits us, our Mexico is splashing the blood of so many dead and disappeared, including 27 priests, including Jesuit priests who have been killed by organized crime, thus identifying with the thousands of victims of our people who have had this end, with the tens of thousands of disappeared whose families are still looking for them,” Ramón Castro, general secretary of the Mexican Episcopate Conference (CEM), said in a video.
The video entitled “Message for Peace” is given a few days after the Jesuit priests Javier Campos “El Gallo” and Joaquín César Mora Salazar “El Morita” were murdered in the Francisco Xavier parish in Cerocahui, in Chihuahua, last Monday. .
The Secretary General of the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate affirmed that the violence has overflowed in the country, for which they hope that the authorities rise to the occasion and recognize their responsibility.
“Now as never before, the pain of the cross becomes more intense because of so much innocent blood spilled throughout the length and breadth of the country. The rates of violence and its structures of death have overflowed and installed in our communities, disfiguring the human person and destroying the culture of peace. Together with our people, we await a response that is up to the circumstances from the civil authorities at all levels. It is the responsibility of those who govern to seek justice and promote peace and harmony in social coexistence, ”he says.
Pope Francis also spoke out about the murder of the priests: “I express my pain and dismay at the murder in #Mexico, the day before yesterday, of two Jesuit religious and a layman. How many murders in Mexico! Violence does not solve problems, but only increases unnecessary suffering.
In a statement, the CEM asked the federal government to change the strategy because it has been shown that the current one is failing.
“Given the seriousness of the facts, we make a call to the Federal Government and to the different levels of authorities, in accordance with the pronouncement that has been made by the Senate of the Republic: it is time to review the security strategies that are failing.”
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador rejected this Thursday to change his strategy, because – he said – it is the right path: “Violence is not faced with more violence.”
“No, on the contrary, this is the way, all this is the rotten fruit of a policy of corruption and impunity that has been implemented since the time of Felipe Calderón,” the president said Thursday.
The president assures that his government has not managed to reduce the number of intentional homicides, however, he maintains that there is a reduction in this crime.